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St Kevin's Primary School, Falls Road, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

15th May 2020
To all of our P4 children who should be celebrating their First Holy Communion tomorrow....
11th May 2020
Hello P1! We hope you are all keeping well! Around this time of year in school we...
5th May 2020
We have put some Maths revision work on to the P3 home learning page.  We...
4th May 2020
Hello P.2 I hope you are all having fun making your dinosaur land or perhaps you...
4th May 2020
The University of Ulster has asked schools to circulate a questionnaire to all parents....
4th May 2020
The next two sets of spellings for P2 are now on the home learning section of the...
2nd May 2020
MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY - during May we remember Mary, Mother of Jesus in a special...
30th Apr 2020
Boys and girls, Mrs Magennis has uploaded lots of activities for you to do. Go to...
30th Apr 2020
With a FREE Libraries NI membership, you can access all of the latest eBooks and...