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St Kevin's Primary School, Falls Road, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

13th Mar 2020
Covid – 19 Update 13 March 2020 In light of the Government decision to...
25th Feb 2020
Dear Parents As part of our commitment to promote reading for enjoyment we have...
24th Feb 2020
Mrs McDowell's class looked at our theme of identity online by exploring the topic...
17th Feb 2020
Mr Lennon's class were very busy on Safer Internet Day, exploring their online identity. ...
17th Feb 2020
Miss Rainey's P5 class were busy on Tuesday.  They conducted a job interview,...
17th Feb 2020
Mrs Quinn's class explored their online identity, read a Digiduck story, and produced...
17th Feb 2020
Ms. Toman's P1 class had great fun exploring how to stay safe online!!  Well...
14th Feb 2020
Tuesday 12th February was Internet Safety Day. Look at the fun activities that...