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St Kevin's Primary School, Falls Road, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

14th Oct 2019
George from Bryson Recycling came in to visit our Key Stage One and Key Stage Two...
14th Oct 2019
Our school discipline policy places a strong emphasis on rewarding acceptable...
10th Oct 2019
  We celebrated World Mental Health Day on Thursday 10 October. Throughout...
10th Oct 2019
As part of their activities for Mental Health week Miss Devine's P4 class completed...
10th Oct 2019
As part of World Mental Health day, the children and staff of St. Kevin's wore...
10th Oct 2019
This week in recognition of World Mental Health week, St Kevin's wanted to...
26th Sep 2019
Jeans for Genes day 2019, Last Thursday and Friday the children came to school...
20th Sep 2019
In recognition of Global Day of Climate Strike Action pupils, teachers and parents...