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St Kevin's Primary School, Falls Road, Belfast


2017/2018 School Year

7th Nov 2017
Primary One held numeracy and literacy parent workshops to provide parents with...
2nd Nov 2017
Sample p1 newsSample p1 newsSample p1 newsSample p1 newsSample p1 newsSample p1...
15th Oct 2017
Our P7 pupils used maps to explore our sense of place, and looked at how places...
15th Oct 2017
Mr McGale's class used charcoal and a range of images inspired by the Irish Famine...
15th Oct 2017
Our P7 pupils got to use the new playground equipment and show off their footballing...

2016/2017 School Year

19th May 2017
Congratulations to Emma Lavery from Miss Tierney’s P4 class, who came third...
19th May 2017
Congratulations and well done to the parents who took part in the 6 week Cook it...
10th Apr 2017
Mr McGale's class went to Delamont and had an absolute blast!  Check out the...
27th Mar 2017
Today we went to the Falls Park for our Spring walk. We had to look out for the...
9th Feb 2017
This week in P3 we were learning all about place value. We used cubes to help us...