About St Kevin's
St. Kevin’s is a Catholic Maintained Primary School with an enrolment of 600 children. It originally existed as two separate schools for boys and girls but amalgamated in September 1994 with the promise of a new build. This promise was fulfilled in September 2004 when we finally moved into our fabulous new ‘state of the art’ building.
The Board of Governors has overall responsibility for the effective management of our school. It is comprised of four trustees,representatives from The Belfast Education and Library Board and the Department of Education, a Parent representative, elected by the parents of the school and a teacher representative, elected by the teachers. The members hold office for four years.
We are firmly committed to:
- the aims of Catholic Education;
- providing appropriate and effective learning opportunities for all our children;
- developing positive pastoral care systems in our school
- establishing close links with the home, parish and wider community; and
- developing all members of the school community to enable them to fulfil their role within the school.

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791