Mathematics and Numeracy
The key aim is to develop the application of Mathematics and Numeracy across the curriculum and in real life situations. Children are encouraged to explore and investigate a wide range of purposeful activities. Children are provided with valuable experiences which enable them to develop their understanding of and skills in:
- Processes in Mathematics
- Number, Measures
- Shape and Space
- Handling Data.
In the Foundation Stage, the Ready Set Go Programme is used. Numeracy skills are developed through a variety of practical activities where children acquire the early mathematical concepts.
In the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, the development of mathematical language is essential and children are given many opportunities to develop their skills through mental maths activities.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, the Heinemann Mathematics Programme is used, with a continued emphasis on practical and relevant tasks for pupils throughout the school.
In all Key Stages, pupils are involved in making full use of suitable programmes to support their learning, such as BlackCat Logo and RoamerWorld, and practical materials, such as Beebots, Probots and Roamers.

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791