Providing Equality of Opportunity
Special Educational Needs
We seek to provide a learning environment for children with special educational needs which is caring, happy and relevant to their individual requirements. In addition, every opportunity is taken to heighten in each child an awareness of his/her individual talents and abilities.
The Special Needs Co-ordinator, Miss Reid, together with the Special Needs Team support class teachers and liaises with relevant outside agencies to ensure children’s needs are being catered for. We currently operate a system of in-class support for children in Years 3 – 7.
Outside agencies also provide support for individual pupils depending on individual needs. We are pleased to offer a counselling service, courtesy of Barnardos, to children experiencing social, emotional or behavioural needs.
Newcomer Children
Here at St. Kevin’s we welcome and celebrate families from other cultures and are fortunate enough to have a specially designated teacher who works with those children who have English as an Additional Language.

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791