Using ICT
Children in St. Kevin’s are provided with many opportunities to develop their ICT skills throughout the Curriculum. Each classroom has an Interactive Whiteboard which is used on a daily basis to enhance the learning environment.
The school also has an ICT room, which has 20 computers available for pupils use. There are 2 computers in each classroom and a cluster of computers in each of the four resource areas in the school. Year Group sets of ipads have been distributed throughout the school to be used in class to support Learning and Teaching across the curriculum.
Pupils have the opportunity to acquire, develop, understand, demonstrate and apply ICT concepts and processes appropriately in a variety of contexts across the curriculum. There is now a key focus on ‘Using’ the skill.
Pupils are given opportunities to transfer their knowledge, understanding and skills in a variety of meaningful contexts across the curriculum, through the 5 E’s, which are:
- Explore
- Express
- Exchange
- Evaluate
- Exhibit
The 5 ‘E’s represent the steps a learner might follow when taking an initial idea from concept to completion. Teachers plan for coverage of the Using ICT Requirements across the 5 ‘E’s.
Each year group now engage in a series of E-Safety Lessons.

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791