Child Protection and Safety in School
At St. Kevin’s we believe that Child Protection encompasses the action taken to promote the personal safety of our children and the procedures followed in responding to suspicions and/or allegations of ill treatment of individuals.
In keeping with the Department of Education’s Document 2003/13 we have a Designated Teacher for Child Protection, Mr McComb, who liaises closely with parents and relevant outside bodies as necessary.
At all times, children should use their designated entrances only.
Whilst wishing to extend a warm welcome to all our visitors, we are conscious of the need to provide a safe, secure environment for all children and staff. To this end, all entrance doors have been fitted with security locks. Visitors should enter the school via the main door and wear an identity badge provided at the office.
Parental Concerns
Parents are welcome to express any concerns they may have relating to their child. Parents should:
- Contact the class teacher
- Contact the designated teacher for Pastoral Care and Child Protection - Mr McComb (Vice Principal)
- Contact the Chairman of the Board of Governors
- Request that the matter be considered by the EA

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791