Important information regarding internet safety
Please take some time to read this letter carefully.
Dear parents,
We take the security of the children on the internet extremely seriously; it is very important that we work together to ensure your child’s safety. Whilst use of the internet and social networking sites is second nature to the children, they can often be swept along with what their peers are doing and lose awareness of the many dangers they are facing.We are experiencing a number of incidents occurring in school, which are as a result of the children using social networking sites at home.
Many of the issues that have been brought to our attention recently have involved the use of:
- Skype- a video and messaging app. You are required to be at least 13 years old before you can create an account.
- Instagram-an online mobile photo sharing, video sharing and social networking service which enables its users to take pictures and videos and share them on a variety of social networking platforms. you are required to be least 13 years old before you can create an account
- Facebook-a social networking site. You are required to be at least 13 years old before you can create an account
- WhatsApp-An instant messaging app for smartphones. The user agreement requires users to be age 16 or older

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791