News - P4
2019/2020 School Year
29th May 2020
With the beautiful weather I have noticed the increase in number of children...
28th May 2020
Today we launch our new transition program for our P7 pupils called Be Awesome,...
21st May 2020
How lovely are these downloadable activity sheets from Royal Mail.
The theme...
15th May 2020
This free Ebook is a great way to discuss our current circumstances with your child. ...
15th May 2020
To all of our P4 children who should be celebrating their First Holy Communion tomorrow....
4th May 2020
The University of Ulster has asked schools to circulate a questionnaire to all parents....
2nd May 2020
MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY - during May we remember Mary, Mother of Jesus in a special...
30th Apr 2020
With a FREE Libraries NI membership, you can access all of the latest eBooks and...

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791